On Monday, the AOC Court Facilities Task Force approved an emergency request from Harney County to ask the state’s Judicial Department for $500,000 to fund a new boiler and make necessary health and safety upgrades related to the installation. Prior to the 2015 session, AOC convened the task force to prioritize court improvement and replacement projects to the Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court so that the department could make funding requests to the Legislature. During that session, the Legislature funded many of the projects that the task force listed on its prioritization list. While Harney County was not on the list, it was important to the committee to make exceptions and additions to emergency issues that arise. Harney County’s boiler was recently declared unsafe and needs immediate replacement. The county has invested approximately $500,000 so far towards repairs, but needs further assistance from the state. The task force meets again March 14 at 2:30 p.m. following the AOC Board of Directors and Legislative Committee meeting.


For more information contact Patrick Sieng, AOC public safety policy manager.