Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is soliciting feedback through December 31 to evaluate local consultation practices regarding statewide transportation planning and programming processes. Please take a brief online survey to let ODOT know how they are doing. Click here to the survey online.

Your participation will help ODOT to evaluate the agency’s effectiveness in implementing federal and state planning and public involvement regulations—ensuring effective communication between ODOT, local officials, and other interested parties.

Additional information about statewide planning at ODOT can be found here, and to learn more about statewide programming processes at ODOT please visit our Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) webpage here. Should you have any questions or comments about the survey instrument or request additional information about ODOT local consultation practices, please contact Brandon Williams, ODOT transportation planner, via email or by phone (503-986-4122).

Contributed by: Brandon Williams | Oregon Department of Transportation