AOC and Others Warn Against Slowing Oregon’s Recent Momentum Notwithstanding Budget Issues

AOC joined its water development coalition partners in stating strong support for continued investment in water supply before the Joint Ways & Means Capital Construction Subcommittee on May 19th.

The Coalition is broad: AOC, Associated Oregon Industries, League of Oregon Cities, Oregon Business Association, Oregon Water Resources Congress, Oregon Farm Bureau, Oregon Business Council, The Freshwater Trust, Oregon Association of Nurseries, Special Districts of Oregon, and Oregon Business Plan.

Citing funding for feasibility studies ($2 million lottery bonds) and water supply projects ($30 million lottery bonds), the coalition stated:

“It is imperative that Oregon make a concerted investment in water resources now. Our neighbors in Washington, and more recently California, have invested extraordinary sums of public funding toward water supply planning and development to address water challenges that are facing all Western states. Investing in Oregon’s water supply today through these important programs will ensure that future generations have adequate water supplies that support thriving communities, flourishing industries, and healthy ecosystems…

“The costs associated with planning for and meeting our water needs greatly exceed available resources and both programs continue to have more demand than allocated funds. Additional funding for feasibility and implementation of water conservation, water reuse and water supply projects is critical to ensuring that our state continues to move forward in meeting its future water needs and associated economic, environmental, and community benefits.”

The subcommittee is considering Senate Bill (SB) 5530, related to lottery bonding.

Contributed by: Gil Riddell | AOC Policy Director