The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will conduct Oregon Public Transportation Plan (OPTP) outreach from May until September 2017. The OPTP will provide a vision and policy foundation to guide public transportation investment decisions by state, regional, and local agencies in Oregon. The OPTP will become a part of the Oregon Transportation Plan when it is adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission.

The purpose of OPTP public outreach in 2017 is to share OPTP draft policies and strategies with stakeholders and the public and gather feedback to inform the draft plan. Activities will include an online open house and presentations to stakeholder groups. The OPTP project team will gather and summarize comments received, share them with the plan Policy Advisory Committee, and use them to develop and refine plan contents.

Purpose and Outcomes
The purpose of this outreach is to share the draft policies and strategies of Oregon Public Transportation Plan with stakeholders and the public. The policies and strategies are the core of the OPTP. They need to address the right issues and help inform and guide decisions by agencies in public transportation planning and investment. ODOT is seeking feedback regarding the content, usefulness, and practicality of the policies to help refine them and guide further plan development. Please use the online open house to submit your comments (open from early July through August).

Online Open House Link

OPTP Stakeholders
Stakeholders include the public; transportation, policy, and planning professionals; public transportation providers; and other government agencies that might be affected by the plan or might be partners in implementing the OPTP. Stakeholder organizations include:

  • Public transportation providers
  • Association of Oregon Counties
  • League of Oregon Cities
  • Metropolitan planning organizations
  • Local, state, and federal agencies
  • Tribes
  • Affected state-level commissions
  • Transportation options groups
  • Travel and tourism organizations
  • Area Commissions on Transportation
  • OTC and ODOT advisory committees

How to Participate
Please see the project website for more information and announcements at: .

Share your feedback on the draft OPTP policies and strategies through the Online Open House (open early July through August) at: .

Please provide your comments by September 8, 2017

Click here to view the Oregon Public Transportation Plan Fact Sheet.