AOC Natural Resources Policy in the 2023 Interim
Since the state legislative session adjourned in June, the natural resources portfolio at the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) has been active implementing AOC’s policy priorities passed during the 2023 session and queuing up work for the upcoming 2024 short session.
Senate Bill 80 Regional Wildfire Hazard Map Meetings
Pursuant to Senate Bill 80 (2023), the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) and AOC hosted a series of wildfire hazard map meetings throughout the state, beginning the first week of September and concluding Oct. 11.
The State Insurance Commissioner, Building Codes Division Administrator, Oregon State University, ODF, and the State Fire Marshal traveled to nine locations around the state to engage directly with county commissioners, planners, administrators, and emergency managers. During these meetings, counties and ODF discussed the mapping process, hazard identification methodology, and details of the draft hazard maps. ODF will now begin updating the administrative rules to include information collected during those meetings, as well as factoring in the changes made in Senate Bill 80. Counties will be represented on the rules advisory committee, and can continue to raise issues to ensure necessary changes are considered.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Sage-Grouse Action Plan Update
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recently began conversations around updating the Oregon Statewide Sage-Grouse Action Plan. The Sage-Grouse Action Plan designates the core and low-density habitats encompassing the populations and assesses the effects these conservation strategies have on the communities where the bird resides. ODFW conducted public outreach around the habitat map updates and have now turned their attention to the “Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment and Strategy for Oregon: A Plan to Maintain and Enhance Populations and Habitat.”
AOC staff have been asked to serve on this agency strategy plan update. AOC originally produced the appendix in February 2011. AOC has also been asked to update “Appendix VI: Socio-Economic Profile and Analysis of Oregon Counties included in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation strategy for Oregon” by the end of this calendar year. AOC staff has begun this work and is gathering information from the eight impacted counties that are within the current range of the greater sage-grouse in Oregon.
Elk Depredation Program
This session, Rep. Bobby Levy (R-Echo) introduced House Bill 3052 (2023) which would have established a task force on elk and deer damage compensation funding. Although that bill did not receive a floor vote, the House Interim Committee on Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water under the chairmanship of Rep. Ken Helm (D-Beaverton and Cedar Hills), created an interim work group to find a path forward on this issue.
The workgroup is made up of 15 individuals and has two primary deliverables. First, they are tasked with producing a short report that documents the workgroup process, discussion, and recommendations on the ideal structure for the program. Second, the workgroup will find an appropriate level and source funding and develop bill language for the upcoming 2024 legislative session.
AOC staff will continue to keep the membership apprised of these activities and developments as the interim continues.
Contributed by: Branden Pursinger, AOC Legislative Affairs Manager