Meet Your AOC Team: AOC Legislative Affairs Manager, Branden Pursinger

Meet Your AOC Team: AOC Legislative Affairs Manager, Branden Pursinger

The Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) is a 23-member staff of professional employees with broad duties and skill-sets. Each team member helps make AOC the success it is today. Here is an opportunity to meet a member of your AOC team.

Meet AOC Legislative Affairs Manager, Branden Pursinger

Branden Pursinger joined the AOC team in August of 2022 as legislative affairs manager. In his role, Branden advocates for Oregon counties’ priorities at the State Legislature and with state agencies, covering the natural resources policy portfolio. That work includes staffing the AOC Federal Lands Subcommittee and the Council of Forest Trust Land Counties.

Prior to joining AOC, Branden served as the Senate Republican Caucus administrator addressing key policies and priorities during several legislative sessions. He also worked with Senator Bill Hansell for many years managing policy, constituent relations, bringing to AOC a deep understanding of the political process.

Branden holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science (Constitutional law focus) from Lewis & Clark College.

AOC Legislative Affairs Department

Branden’s role is housed in the AOC Legislative Affairs Department. The Legislative Affairs Department is a five-member team that advocates for counties at the State Capitol, within state agencies, and with federal partners to pursue a policy agenda set by AOC members.

Why Branden Loves AOC

“AOC brings the local leaders together to discuss and find solutions to the problems facing every corner of our state. AOC provides the collaboration and cooperation to find solutions to the shared problems all counties are facing. Also, the team at AOC is hardworking and have been unbelievably helpful as I have joined the AOC family. I am very appreciative of everyone I have met and have worked with thus far.”  

What Interests Branden in His Work

“I have been working in politics for the past 10 years and have loved every minute of it.  Growing up on the edge of a city that boarded a wilderness area, I saw the impacts the natural resources had and continue to have on the people. I saw how the decisions in Salem impacted the farmers, the river, and the forest. I am very excited to work on these issues and provide a voice in this area. Every county has trees, animals, and water issues. Helping to solve these issues is something I am very much looking forward to.” 

What Branden Wants to See in the Future for AOC

“Counties are not stakeholders, we are partners. We represent the same constituents as the legislators. I want to see AOC be the partner it should be on all aspects of government. Local governments should be the first phone call for individuals in Salem when there are conversations happening, and I would love to see AOC and counties move into that type of a relationship with the state.” 

Outside of AOC

Outside of AOC, Branden enjoys fly fishing the many rivers in Oregon, spending time with his family, teaching his six-year-old daughter about the joys of nature and astronomy, listening to music, and Saturday morning cartoon time with his daughter.  

Contributed by: Megan Chuinard | Public Affairs Associate

AOC Welcomes Robert Yde to the County Road Program

AOC Welcomes Robert Yde to the County Road Program

The Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) is pleased to announce the hiring of Robert Yde as IT Trainer and Communications Specialist for the County Road Program.

Yde comes to AOC having most recently served as a middle school educator where he taught social studies. Prior to this, Yde worked in the public relations field as a writer, editor, and content creator. Robert will be a great addition to the team and I have no doubt that he will advance understanding and education initiatives surrounding the County Road Program and the Integrated Road Information System,” said Gina Nikkel, AOC executive director.

Yde’s first day is February 6, 2023.