Interested in Federal Funds for Projects in Your Communities?

Interested in Federal Funds for Projects in Your Communities?

In March, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) hosted a webinar series with relevant government agencies to help Oregonians and small businesses access the benefits in the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Here are links to those recorded webinar sessions by agency, as well as some helpful guides.

Contributed by Tim Leahy | Office of Senator Ron Wyden


Draft Oregon Transportation Plan is Available for Public Review and Comment Now Through May 12

Draft Oregon Transportation Plan is Available for Public Review and Comment Now Through May 12

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) released the draft Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP) for public review and comment.

Tell ODOT what you think!

You are invited to review the draft OTP and provide comments now through May 12.

Why should you review and provide comments? Because this 25-year plan guides important transportation-related decisions that impact people like you and communities like yours every day. Your comments will let ODOT and the Oregon Transportation Commission know what you value in a transportation system – now and into the future.

Learn about the plan, how to provide comments, and get your questions answered at a live webinar on Tuesday, April 11 at noon. If you cannot make it to the live event, the recorded webinar will be posted on the project webpage following the meeting.

Ways to Comment

Visit the project webpage for more information.

About the Plan

The OTP sets the long-range transportation policy for Oregon transportation system. It informs investment decisions by ODOT and regional and local governments for all the ways we get around, including walking, rolling, biking, and taking public transit like buses and streetcars. Planning for a better transportation future is a complex challenge that takes collaboration, compromise, and creativity across the entire state and in our local communities.

Your participation is important! Your feedback will help finalize a plan that gives ODOT the opportunity to develop a more sustainable and equitable transportation system for all Oregonians.

Why is the plan being updated?

The OTP was last updated in 2006 and much has changed. Updating the OTP will help us develop a resilient plan that can adapt to drivers of change such as climate change, social equity, our growing population over age 65, and new technologies.


Questions and comments can be submitted at any time to the project team at:
Phone: 503-423-3720

More information is available here.

Contributed by: Oregon Department of Transportation Project Team