During the 2024 Annual Conference, the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) President John Shafer (Umatilla County) announced his 2025 presidential initiative “to focus on mental and behavioral health to equip us all to exercise our local mental health authority to foster healthy, vibrant, and safe counties across Oregon.” Shafer’s presidential initiative kicked off in January with a series of monthly challenges.

March Challenge: Tour your community mental health program
There is no substitute for being physically present and able to use all five senses. 
Make some time with your director this month to walk through your local facilities, meet the staff, and learn more about your program’s current strengths and challenges that you can help champion at AOC, the Local Government Advisory Committee, and with our state and federal partners.

Stay tuned for additional learning opportunities throughout the year and a celebration at the 2025 AOC Annual Conference. 


Previous challenges

JanuaryRead this short primer on local mental health governance in Oregon, authored by Malheur County Community Mental Health Program (CMHP) Director Steve Jensen, and hear a brief presentation by Greater Oregon Behavioral Health (GOBHI) CEO Ann Ford at the AOC Legislative Committee meeting, held on Monday, Jan. 13. (presentation slides)

FebruaryWhether you know your CMHP director well, or will be meeting them for the first time, your February challenge is to invite them to lunch, say ‘thank you,’ and listen. You’ll be glad you did. Our community mental health program directors are among the most dedicated, hardworking public servants in Oregon and a tremendous resource to the local mental health authority you!  Strong relationships are the bedrock of mental wellbeing and of good governance.