Since the 2025 Legislature gaveled into session seven weeks ago a record number of bills have been introduced – well over 3,200. The Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) is tracking over 2,200 bills that have a potential impact on county budgets, services, or governance. The AOC Legislative Affairs Department has been in the Capitol every day advocating on behalf of county governments and AOC’s 2025 priorities.
Two of AOC’s top priorities will receive their first public hearings this week:
- House Bill 3518 – Modernizing County Assessment Funding
This bill modernizes the funding mechanisms that support the County Assessment Function Funding Assistance (CAFFA) Program. Introduced as a House Revenue Committee bill, a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 11, at 3 p.m. An action alert was sent last week to encourage all counties to submit testimony in support. A one-pager with background and a summary of the concept can be found here.
- House Bill 5004 – Funding Community Corrections
The Department of Corrections (DOC) budget, House Bill 5004 and Policy Option Package (POP) 102 which includes $68 million to fully fund Community Corrections, will be heard in the Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Safety on Thursday, March 13, at 8 a.m. AOC is working closely with the DOC and the Oregon Association of Community Corrections Directors to advocate for POP 102 and full funding of the cost study conducted this summer. An action alert will be sent out this week to encourage testimony in support.
Additionally, two bills introduced at AOC’s request advanced out of the House last week and now move on to the Senate for consideration.
- House Bill 3175 allows county governing bodies to increase the document recording fees that fund our County Surveyors Public Land Corner Preservation Programs and passed off of the House Floor 47-9.
- House Bill 2154 makes the County Safety Corridor Pilot Program permanent and passed out of the House last week with only one nay vote.
AOC members are encouraged to stay tuned for action alerts related to priority bills and Legislative Session email updates with details on dozens of bills on which the AOC Legislative Affairs Department has engaged so far this session.
Contributed by: Mallorie Roberts | Legislative Affairs Director