Following the passage of SB 762, the 2021 Legislative Session’s comprehensive wildfire policy, the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) took an active role in ensuring its implementation information was provided to county staff and elected officials by state agencies. AOC hosted webinars regarding the state drawn wildfire map during the summer and the AOC Annual Conference featured a panel discussion entitled “Wildfire and the Changes Brought by SB 762.” The association continued discussions thereafter.

Because of AOC’s continued engagement and direct dialogue with our state partners and legislative leaders, Senator Jeff Golden, who championed the 2021 legislation, assured AOC that advanced notice will be provided to commissioners, judges, chairs, and counties when wildfire related issues come before the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire Recovery, a committee that he chairs.

The AOC conference panel featured four speakers and was moderated by Baker County Commissioner and Wildfire Programs Advisory Council Chair, Mark Bennett.


  • Wildfire Programs Director Doug Grafe reviewed implementation process of all agencies;
  • Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) Director Brenda Bateman overviewed the DLCD Wildfire Report;
  • Oregon State Fire Marshal Mariana Ruiz-Temple presented on the Community Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant, as well as others available through her department (these grants are aimed to help protect people, property, and communities from wildfire through various forms of risk reduction programs);
  • Oregon Department of Forestry Wildfire Chief Mike Shaw covered the pullback of the Wildfire Risk Map as well as the public hearings they held throughout the state after the map came out.

After the panel presented, Commissioner Bennett provided Senator Golden, who was in the audience for this session, the opportunity to address those in attendance.  As the Senator who helped shepherd the legislation through both chambers it was crucial to hear his thoughts on the bill’s implementation. Due to limited time for questions and answers following the conference panel, AOC organized a virtual Q&A session on Tuesday, December 13.

At the December 13 meeting entitled “Wildfire Meeting, a Q&A with Commissioners,” those in attendance were joined by original panelists, DLCD Policy Advisor Palmer Mason, Senator Golden, and State Forester Cal Mukumoto. After a few introductory remarks by the panelists, the remainder of the meeting was spent answering questions.  Grafe made reference to a report from the Rogue Forest Partners regarding resiliency efforts underway in the Rogue Basin, Commissioner Bennett, Chair of the Wildfire Programs Advisory Council, referenced the council’s final 2022 Annual Report on recommended changes, and Chief Shaw shared the “Key Issues Identified in Review of the Wildfire Risk map Feedback.”

One issue that got a lot of attention during the December 13 meeting was the inability of counties to implement SB 391 (2021), which allows for the rural residential Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) due to the statutory requirement that statewide risk maps first be adopted.  AOC staff is working with DLCD, county planning staff, and legislators on a legislative concept that would decouple rural residential ADU authority from the wildfire risk map while maintaining appropriate wildfire risk mitigation measures.

All of the panelists asked that their contact information be shared as a way to be available to answer any additional questions that might arise:

Senator Jeff Golden (D-Ashland) –

Wildfire Program Advisory Council Chair and Baker County Commissioner Mark Bennett –

Office of the Governor Wildfire Programs Director Doug Grafe –

Department of Forestry State Forester Cal Mukumoto –

Department of Forestry Wildfire Division Chief Mike Shaw –

Office of the State Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal Mariana Ruiz-Temple –

Department of Land Conservation and Development Senior Policy Advisor Palmer Mason –

Contributed by: Branden Pursinger | Legislative Affairs Manager