The short 35-day 2024 legislative session is expected to focus primarily on housing and Measure 110. AOC recognizes that some proposals under consideration related to Measure 110 reforms will have direct impacts on counties, and consequently our members are deeply invested in the potential outcomes. AOC is committed to elevating the county voice in these discussions and ensuring that AOC members are able to review and weigh in on concepts with direct county impacts.
In preparation for those conversations, AOC steering committees and the Legislative Committee took action at their October meetings.
AOC’s Public Safety steering committee adopted a 2024 legislative priority related to Measure 110:
- Elevate the county voice in Measure 110 reform, supporting policy modifications that prioritize engagement in substance abuse treatment, provide sufficient funding for county services, and strengthen tools the criminal justice system can use to fight illegal drug use and sales.
AOC’s Health and Human Services steering committee also adopted this principle:
- Support Measure 110 reforms to create a sustainable complete continuum of substance use disorder prevention, treatment and recovery capacity that matches community need and is subject to the statutory planning and oversight of local mental health authorities.
Joint AOC Health and Human Services and Public Safety Steering Committee Meetings
AOC leadership recognizes the importance of the Measure 110 reform conversations to our members, and in collaboratively evaluating both the health and public safety policy considerations. Accordingly, during the 2024 legislative session, AOC’s Health and Human Services and Public Safety steering committees will be meeting jointly to determine AOC positions on relevant 2024 legislative bills. The four co-chairs of these two committees will also meet together routinely to collaborate and direct staff.
On Oct. 27, AOC held a joint Health and Human Services and Public Safety steering committee meeting focused on Ballot Measure 110. The meeting, with over 90 individuals participating in person and virtually, focused on current data, local government perspectives and potential policy changes in the coming year. A variety of partner groups and advocates joined the meeting to share their experiences and thoughts on the future of Measure 110. A full recording of the meeting is linked here.
In the Capitol
Oregon’s legislative leadership created a new joint committee to consider Measure 110-related changes for the 2024 legislative session. The Joint Interim Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response is co-chaired by Senator Kate Lieber and Representative Jason Kropf. The committee has now met three times. At its October meeting, the committee focused on behavioral health and addiction services. At its November meeting, the committee heard from the law enforcement community on potential policies. A coalition of public safety stakeholders shared with the committee an 11-point proposal.
At its December meeting, the joint committee heard from experts on: evidence-based substance use disorder treatment; medication assisted treatment; and deflection, stabilization and alternative intervention programs. At this 4-hour long meeting, the committee also heard public testimony for the first time. Invited to provide testimony, AOC staff shared with the committee AOC’s adopted priorities and principles on Measure 110 reform, encouraging the committee to consider holistic changes with appropriate systematic funding for county services. AOC further advocated for counties to continue to be invited to the table and included in reform discussions to ensure counties can partner successfully with the state on any future changes. You can watch a full recording of the hearing here.
We expect the next meeting of the joint committee to take place during January Legislative Days.
AOC is actively engaged with legislative leaders and local system partners to discuss the ramifications of potential policy decisions, ensuring that any potential policy change is examined for county impact.
Want to join the conversation?
AOC members interested in shaping the organization’s positions on 2024 legislation affecting Oregon counties are encouraged to participate in January and February steering committees. The schedule can be found on our website.
Contributed by: Jen Lewis-Goff and Jessica Pratt | legislative affairs managers