In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed HB 3630​, which directed the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) to create a grant program to support Oregon counties with energy resilience planning. Specifically, HB 3630 provides up to $50,000 per county to develop an energy resilience plan.

​The County Energy Resilience Grant Program provides grants to Oregon counties to develop energy resilience plans that: 

  • Map current energy infrastructure, natural hazard risks, and communities that experience social vulnerability. 
  • Identify needs to increase resilience. 
  • Identify steps for implementation. 
  • Receive input from environmental justice communities to identify communities that experience social vulnerabilities. ​

​This is a noncompetitive grant program with no match requirement. All Oregon counties are eligible to receive funds provided they meet the eligibility requirements. Counties may also work together and pool funds in a cohort. 

Opportunity Announcement

ODOE posted the Opportunity Announcement for funding on May 22, and is now accepting applications through Feb. 28, 2025. Applications should be sent to the program team via email.

Single County Application​
County Cohort Application

Application Resources: FAQs | Plan Development Resources

​​Counties must submit the program completion form and a copy of their plans by Aug. 1, 2025. If a county already has an energy resilience or other type of energy plan, the funding can likely be used to update that plan as per the requirements of HB 3630​.​​

Informational Webinar

​Join ODOE for one of two informational webinars on June 6, and June 25, to learn more about the County Energy Resilience Program. Program details can be found here