Natural Resources Steering Committee
The Natural Resources Policy Steering Committee seeks appropriate management policies and policy-making processes for water, public lands, and natural resources, guided by the principles of “Enlibra” (national standards, neighborhood solutions; collaboration, not polarization; reward results, not programs; science for facts, the process for priorities; markets before mandates; change a heart, change a nation; recognition of benefits and costs; solutions transcend political boundaries).
Commissioner Scott Hege, Wasco County
Commissioner Craig Pope, Polk County
AOC Staff:
Legislative Affairs Manager Branden Pursinger
2025 Meeting Schedule:
Jan. 10 (virtual)
Feb. 10
March 7 (virtual)
April 14
May 9 (virtual)
June 6 (virtual)
Oct. 9 (virtual)
Related Committees:
Council of Forest Trust Land Counties
Federal Land Management Subcommittee
Natural Resources Steering Committee Principles (PDF)
Meeting Materials:
Council of Forest Trust Land Counties
The objectives of the Council of Forest Trust Land Counties (CFTLC) are:
- Protect the trust and contractual relationship between the forest trust land counties and the State of Oregon, relating to management of the county forest trust land;
- Support sound, active management of county forest trust lands, which fulfills their primary purpose of forest production and their important contribution to long-term community sustainability;
- Protect the flow of revenues from county forest trust lands for essential local public services;
- Support forest trust land counties in other matters where they may have responsibility related to county forest trust lands; and
- Provide an organization that will effectively communicate these objectives.
Board of Directors:
Vice-Chair: Margaret Magruder, Columbia County Commissioner
Position 1 | Tillamook County: Paul Fournier, Tillamook County Commissioner
Position 2 | Clatsop County: Courtney Bangs, Clatsop County Commissioner
Position 3 | Columbia, Clackamas & Washington Counties: Jerry Willey, Washington County Commissioner
Position 4 | Marion, Linn, Benton, Polk & Lincoln Counties: Will Tucker, Linn County Commissioner
Position 5 | Lane, Coos, Douglas, Klamath & Josephine Counties: David Loveall, Lane County Commissioner
Federal Land Management Subcommittee
The AOC Federal Land Management Subcommittee was formed in 2007. At that time, it was called the “Forest Management Subcommittee.” That subcommittee’s purpose was to work toward long-term federal forest management reform. In 2017, the subcommittee was expanded to be the “Federal Land Management Subcommittee.” This subcommittee expanded its focus from just forest receipts to that of land management with all federal government agencies. In 2022, the subcommittee was amended a third time to their current operating bylaws.
The subcommittee has primarily operated as the Oregon counties’ spearhead on issues related to extension of federal forest payments and more active and productive management of federal forestlands. Beginning in 2022, the focus of the subcommittee became one of information gathering – focusing on gaining the information needed for long-term federal land management reforms that will lead to healthy lands, job opportunities, as well as social and economic sustainability.
Commissioner Craig Pope, Polk County, AOC Natural Resources Steering Committee representative
Commissioner Tim Freeman, Douglas County, Association of O&C Counties (AOCC) representative
Commissioner Paul Anderes, Union County, Eastern Oregon Counties Association (EOCA) representative
Legislative Affairs Manager Branden Pursinger