Sponsored content contributed by AOC Business Partner: iSector

The Oregon iSector and Regional Rural Revitalization Strategies Consortium (R3) are working together to provide direct technical assistance and connection for rural communities statewide to address their local housing needs.

All jurisdictions have unique challenges, and strategies to produce housing differ. Identifying specific challenges city by city is critical to providing necessary assistance. Currently, there is no comprehensive inventory of the barriers that rural jurisdictions face in producing needed housing for their citizens. As the state develops funding and policy that addresses housing barriers, it is important that rural jurisdictions have a way to communicate their needs to ensure that state plans support those unique needs.

The Oregon iSector has developed a short questionnaire, the Community Housing Readiness Assessment, aimed at gathering insights into specific housing production opportunities and challenges for rural communities. Results from the assessment will be used by the iSector and R3 team to develop strategies to support housing production, and to deploy strategies for technical assistance including access to financing, zoning, public facilities, development, and other expertise.

Additionally, a dashboard of submitted sites has been created and will be shared with developers, funders, and other parties who can help produce needed housing. The dashboard will be used to inform the iSector and R3’s direct technical assistance work, as well as serve as a list of community needs informing funding and policy development designed to produce housing in Oregon.

For questions or to learn more please contact rural@isector.org, or visit their website at iSector.org.