The effort to understand government and service provider needs to support recycling system expansion is well underway. The timeline for responding to the survey has been extended to July 26, and consultations will be extended through Sept. 10.

Counties should be able to enter the online survey tool using the email invitation they received from Resource Recycling Systems (RRS), or a printable reference of the survey can be downloaded here

Based on the inquiries received to date, RRS has created an FAQ that will likely answer many of the questions a local government and/or their service providers might have about the survey. RRS and the Circular Action Alliance (CAA) would like to highlight the following FAQ for local governments:

Q: For areas that are within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), but outside of the city limits, which entity should respond to anticipate the future needs of these areas? Should cities forecast these needs or counties? 

A: Counties and cities across Oregon have taken a different approach to addressing these areas. The project team believes a case-by-case approach to capturing the needs of the unincorporated areas of the UGB can continue to be taken. However, there must be close communication between cities and counties to determine which jurisdiction will be reporting for these areas, as well as Special Designated Areas. It is important that duplication and/or total omission of these areas be avoided.  

General Oregon Recycling System Optimization Plan (ORSOP) resources can be found here. Those jurisdictions or service providers with questions or needing help responding to the survey can reach out to RRS at 734-274-9408 or via email at