In the 35 days authorized in the Oregon Constitution, the 2022 Legislative Session has offered twists, turns, and major pivots on policy proposals through expedited deadlines of a short session and varied caucus priorities.

On day one of session, workforce training, illegal cannabis enforcement, farmworker overtime, and education were included in the top issues before the Legislature.

Following the quarterly revenue forecast, presented to the House and Senate committees on revenue, priorities shifted as Oregon economists revealed tax receipts yet again exceeded expectations, with $800 million in unanticipated revenue. 

The increase in revenue projections resulted in leadership pivoting toward major investments in housing and homelessness, workforce development, and various rural projects. This news also paved the way for several of the Association of Oregon Counties’ (AOC) 2022 identified priorities

AOC successfully advocated for resources to aid counties in responding to the public health and safety crisis related to the proliferation of illegal cannabis; the modernization of  the Oregon Broadband Office; and resources to address homelessness in communities across the state. 

AOC was able to achieve significant policy work across each of its policy portfolios and anticipates additional legislative action on AOC priorities in the ways and means process as session winds to a close.

“Our county commissioners, judges, and chairs played a critical role in AOC’s advocacy efforts this Session,” said AOC Legislative Affairs Director, Mallorie Roberts. “We couldn’t have been so successful without their voices in the Capitol. Their work, and the work of the legislative affairs team brought the county perspective to the table in key conversations with legislators, agencies, and staff.”

The last day for the Legislature to constitutionally convene this session is March 7, however, with both the Senate President and Speaker of the House announcements that sine die is imminent, the Legislative Session is predicted to conclude this week.

For questions, please contact any member of the legislative affairs staff.

Contributed by: Megan Chuinard | Public Affairs Associate