On April 18, the National Association of Counties (NACo) released a guide to assist counties in navigating congressionally directed spending, also known as earmarks, for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. Earmarks are a way for individual members of Congress to request funding for up to 15 projects directly during the annual budget process. Generally, project eligibility requirements for funding are the same as for competitively awarded projects through existing federal grant programs but are subject to change. A key difference is that the project request must be for FY 2023 funds only and cannot include a request for multi-year funding.

The appropriations’ member database to submit projects opened on April 4, 2022. Members of Congress must submit their proposed community project requests by April 27–29 (depending on the subcommittee).

NACo’s guide highlights the information needed for each project request, specific subcommittee timelines, and specific programs of note for county governments.

Click here to review the original publication.

Contributed by: NACo