Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) unveils the County Profiles data dashboard, a tool that provides key data about housing dynamics in the state. The County Profiles aims to tell a comprehensive story about housing in Oregon while addressing questions frequently posed to the agency regarding affordable housing, home purchasing costs, and homelessness.

OHCS uses data to inform policy solutions. The agency created these profiles to provide information about various topics connected to housing, such as the race and gender of people living in poverty or the population of a specific county.

Each County Profile has five data sections:

  • Population
  • Poverty
  • Homeownership
  • Rental Housing
  • Homelessness

The data is primarily sourced from the US Census Bureau’s annual surveys. The dashboard presents many of these statistics by race, ethnicity, and gender when the data is available.

The dashboard will be updated annually and continue to evolve to improve transparency. Individuals, organizations, and policymakers are urged to explore the County Profiles and email feedback, questions, or recommendations to hcs_research@hcs.oregon.gov.

Contributed by: Jessica Pratt | Legislative Affairs Manager